Breaking Down the Top Social Media Ad Types

By now you have realized that using social media for advertising in not only cost effective, but necessary. After all, we are only half way through 2018 and the amount of social media users has already increased by 13% from 2017 (up from 3.196 billion users).

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By now you have realized that using social media for advertising in not only cost effective, but necessary. After all, we are only half way through 2018 and the amount of social media users has already increased by 13% from 2017 (up from 3.196 billion users).

But where do you even begin? Below we break down the types, the advantages, and some best practices of the top four social media platforms:


Advantages-If your target audience is male, you may want to consider advertising on YouTube. It is the only platform that has a larger male than female base.  Be aware that since it’s owned by Google, you must have a Google AdWords account to create YouTube ads.  If you commit to spending $350 in ads per year, they will send a professional filmmaker to shoot your 30-second ad.


TruView In-Stream Ads- These ads play before, during, or after a video. Viewers have the option to skip your ad after 5 seconds-so make those first 5 seconds count. Recommended length is 12 seconds to three minutes.

Bumper Ads- Up to 6 seconds long and play before, during, or after a video. However, viewers can’t skip your ad.


Advantages- Most users are in their 30s and up if that is your target audience.  This platform allows you to narrow down your target audience more than any other one and offers the most types of different ads.


Photo Ads- Can include an image, up to 125 text characters, a headline, and link. You can also include a button such as “Buy Now”.  You can create within Facebook Business Manager or by boosting a post that is performing well.  Great for promoting a new product, event, or service.

Video Ads- Can create a short mobile device ad or up to 124-minute-long video designed to be viewed in a desktop.

Carousel Ads – Can include up to 10 images or videos, each with their own link. Great for showing how a product works or how your service helps different types of people.

Slideshow Ads- Creates a video from several static images. These work well on users with slow internet connections.

Collection Ads- Gets your product right into viewer’s feeds and includes an image or video with pricing and other details.  Key for retail business and travel brands.

Messenger Ads- Ads placed in the messenger aps. Encourages people to connect with your business on Messenger or link back to your business page.  Great for reconnecting with those that have messaged your business in the past.

Lead Ads- For mobile only, encourage people to fill out contact forms for things such as receiving a newsletter, getting a free trial, or product quote. Keep the forms short and don’t ask for too much information to encourage completion.


Advantages- Most users are 18-29 years old, particularly women, making it the perfect platform if that is your target audience. Is one of the fastest growing platforms and visual based.


Photo Ads- Will look like a regular post, but say “Sponsored” across the top.  Can also include a call-to-action button.

Video Ads- Just like a photo ad, will also have “Sponsored” across the top. Be sure to include subtitles, or not rely on voice since videos auto-play in newsfeeds without sound.

Carousel Ads-  Includes several images, where viewers scroll to see them all. Make sure all images make sense grouped together.

Stories Ads- Contains images or videos up to 15 seconds long and last for 24 hours.


Advantages- According to Pew Research Center, 41% of women in the US use Pinterest-helpful to know if that’s your target audience.  Once a user shares (re-pins) your original ad, the “promoted” caption on ads disappear and their re-pins show on the feeds of their followers-essentially free marketing. 61% of Pinterest users have made a purchase after seeing an ad by a business, according to Pinterest.


Promoted Pins- Look and behave like regular pins, but have “promoted” in the caption and reach a wider audience. You can choose to pay for clicks or for impressions. Can be picture or video.

One-tap Pins- most pins require two taps to get to your website, but this type of pin allows users to get to your website in just one.

Promoted App Pins- Encourages people to download your app, without ever leaving Pinterest.

Best Practices

1. Trying to promote a new product? Show how it can used.

2. Always include a call to action. This might be a button, a form to fill out, or a link directly to your website.

3. Show how your product or service solves their problem. For example, let’s say your own a dog walking business and your target market is busy, working adults who own a dog and earns enough money to pay for your services. Don’t just show an image of a cute dog and a caption with your prices in your ad. Instead, you can show an image of a lady in a business outfit, holding a baby in one arm and a 20 bullet-point to do list in the other, including walking the dog with the caption “When life gets too busy, Joe’s Dog Walking LLC can help!” and a link to your website. Your showing your target audience someone they can connect with having a relatable problem, and how your service solves that problem.