5 Ways To Make Your Clients Love You

5 Ways To Make Your Clients Love You

Easy Ways to Build Rapport Why do people chose to do with business with you instead of your competitors? Do your clients love you so much that they are walking, talking, free ads for your business? Check out our five tips below to make your clients love you and grow...
You Need to Quit

You Need to Quit

You Need to Quit There are times in our marriages, in our businesses, in our friendships and in anything we commit ourselves to doing long term that we will contemplate quitting. Read More There are times in our marriages, in our businesses, in our friendships and in...
Realistic Time Management Tips

Realistic Time Management Tips

Realistic Time Management Tips How to get the most out of your day and enjoy being productive again. Read More Figure Out Your Energy Peaks Are you a morning person? A night owl? Maybe you rock it from 10 am- 2 pm. Either way, pay attention to when you have the most...
You get an “F”- and that’s a good thing.

You get an “F”- and that’s a good thing.

You Get an “F”- And That’s a Good Thing So, you tried something new and it was a massive fail. You are disappointed, your ego is bruised, and that bowl of ice cream is looking extra good right now. First of all- go for the ice cream because you only live once and if...
A TLE Experience

A TLE Experience

A TLE Experience For the past 2 months, I have been participating in one of our member’s monthly leadership coaching programs called Transformational Leadership Experience (TLE) and this past week I had my first ground-shaking, mind-blowing, game-changing experience...