Easy Ways to Build Rapport

Why do people chose to do with business with you instead of your competitors? Do your clients love you so much that they are walking, talking, free ads for your business? Check out our five tips below to make your clients love you and grow your sales.

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1. Be Timely

Be timely in all forms of communication, this shows you are someone that can be counted on. No one likes waiting a week for an email response. A good rule of thumb is to respond to calls or emails within 24  business hours, even if it’s a simple “Thanks for your inquiry, I want to make sure I have the full details to answer your question. I will get back to you by the end of tomorrow!” Arrive ten minutes before a meeting starts to get yourself settled and ready to start on time. If you are expecting someone at your office, be sure you are ready at the agreed upon time; you can wrap up that project afterwards.

2. Be a Resource Not a Sales Pitch

Don’t you hate being “sold” something? Show you are the  subject matter expert for your client base and constantly share that information, and you will be viewed as a resource not as a corny salesperson. A great way to share that expertise is through social media, blogging, or newsletters. For example, let’s say you own a coffee shop. To promote your shop, you post on Facebook various coffee based recipes, alternative uses to coffee grounds, and fun facts about different types of coffee beans. Just remember, the focus of the content is a mix of sharing tips and resources, not just about how great your product is.

3. Get it Done Early

If you can deliver for your customer earlier than promised, you will gain a loyal customer and see your sales grow. Just make sure you give them a realistic time frame initially, then blow them away with your quicker-than-expected results!

4. Build a Personal Connection

Although you still want to be professional, it is important to remember that people buy from people. Finding those human connections can really strengthen a relationship and lead to a sale. Did you find out a potential client has an upcoming birthday? Send them a card! Did you lean that a long time client has the same kind of dog as you? Bring it up and bond over why you chose that type of dog to own!

5. Ask, How Can I Do Better?

Asking your clients for honest feedback shows them you value and respect their opinion and their business. Whether you ask through a formal survey or brought up casually during conversation, your clients will appreciate the opportunity to feel heard. Be sure to follow through with genuine suggestions!